The Business Trade Exchange (BTE) was founded in 1996 and has enjoyed rapid growth ever since. Since its inception, BTE has developed almost 2000 members and over 400 business categories, with new ones being added every month. The BTE brokering department has in-depth experience facilitating barter transactions, from simple everyday purchases to the liquidation of entire inventories on trade. BTE’s skilled and professional staff help complete transactions smoothly and efficiently.
What We Do
Business Trade Exchange (BTE) is a powerful marketing tool that represents a profitable solution for companies with available inventory, time, space or services. BTE serves as a bank of sorts, establishing a currency or unit of payment called a Trade Dollar; thus eliminating the limitations of one-to-one direct barter transactions.

Membership Benefits
Business Trade Exchange membership benefits include:
- Your own personal brokerage consultant.
- Weekly fax updates and daily email updates.
- Free advertising for your business by having your flyer mailed to BTE members.
- Free subscription to “The Competitive Edge.”
- No additional fee to sell your products/services (however a small commission is charged by BTE (10% for Visa/MC transactions, 12% for cash/check transactions).
What’s the Cost?
- One-time $295 cash setup fee
- 150 Trade Units for Yearly Membership on anniversary date
- No additional fee to sell your products; however, a minimal commission of 10% for Visa or MasterCard, 12% cash or check is charged by BTE when you buys products or services
- No additional fees or charges
Business Trade Exchange supplies the client with a directory and updates the Client Directory three times per year. You receive a monthly newsletter, weekly fax, and a daily email abreast of trade activity and “Haves and Wants” of other clients. Monthly statements accurately inform you of your sales and purchases. Business Trade Exchange guarantees the trade dollar transfer when you have received authorization and deposited a signed sales slip. Personal trade brokers are assigned to your account.

Our Experienced Staff
Our experienced staff keeps our office running smoothly. If you need something not listed in our directory, let us know and we will do our best to help you find it. Computerized and networked, Business Trade Exchange prides itself on providing accurate and timely information to all members.